Online Bill Center Error: “This account may be closed.”

Product Version


If you receive this error, it means that we are having trouble connecting to your online account. You will need to log in to your biller's account and make sure it is still active online. 

Online Bill Center Error: “This account may be closed.”

Let’s make sure that you are connecting to the correct version of your biller. Some billers have multiple sites depending on the service they are providing you.

To resolve this issue

  1. Log in to your biller’s website.
  2. Verify you have selected the correct biller in Quicken. 
    1. Open Quicken
    2. Select the Bills Tab > Online Bills
    3. Click + Add New Bill
    4. Search for the full biller name to verify you are selecting the correct biller.
  3. Enter the same credentials and security questions (if applicable) in Quicken as you did on the biller's site.  

If the issue persists, Contact Support for assistance.

Note: You may need to wait 2-3 business days from when the bill is present on the billers site, compared to when it is able to be added in Quicken. 

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