Quotes updates performed between the early morning hours of 4/19/2011 and the late evening hours of 4/20/2011 resulted in Mutual Funds losing some or all of their Price History and the ticker reporting "Last Updated: Never Updated" in the fly-over when hovering over the ticker on Portfolio view.
This issue was caused by a temporary problem with a server upgrade. While the server problem has been resolved, the Quicken data files that experienced this condition will not recover or "fix" with subsequent Quotes or Price History updates.
Resolution #1 (Preferred):
Restore a backup that was made on or before 4/18/2011.
While there may be a need to re-download and/or re-enter any data from the interim period in the Restored file, this is the preferred resolution because it retains all Price History.
If you are unable to locate a recent backup, you can follow Resolution #2; please read the Note before proceeding.
Resolution #2:
Delete and Re-create Price History files.