I'm Missing Some Transactions or New Transactions Did Not Download From My Bank (Quicken for Windows)

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Updated: February, 06 2025 11:06PM
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Have you downloaded transactions and noticed there are some transactions on the bank's website that are missing in Quicken?

Let's break down the different causes for this situation and ways to fix it!

If this is the first time this has happened

Review this list of reasons; if the issue has only happened once, one of the scenarios below is the likely cause:

1. Has the sort order been changed in the register? Confirm that the Sort Order in your account register is by Date; just click the top of the Date column in your account register. It's likely the transactions are in your register, just not where you thought they'd be.


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2. Click the Reset button at the top of the register. This will confirm that there's no filtering in your account register.

3. Are these missing transactions over 90 days old? Transaction download is typically limited to the last 90 to 200 days, depending on the financial institution. If you need transaction history older than what the download contains, many banks will make this available on their website via Web Connect. To use Web Connect, you can find information here, or contact your bank.

4. Are these transactions still marked as "pending" on your bank's website? Pending transactions have been authorized by your bank but not cleared and paid from your account yet. Most banks don't allow transactions to download until the transaction clears the bank.

5. Are you using Web Connect (logging in to your bank's website to manually download transactions in Quicken)? Some banks only allow downloads to Quicken after the statement closing date, meaning that you won't see new transactions in Quicken until the statement closes. If you can't select a date range when you try to download from your bank, it means that you're only able to download new transactions after the statement closing date.

6. Was the missing transaction incorrectly matched to another transaction in the register? This is common with repeating payments made to the same payee for the same amount.

7. Have any transactions been deleted recently? Transactions won't download again after being deleted. If a transaction was deleted in error, you can re-enter it manually (if there's a large group of deleted transactions, it may also be easier to restore a backup).

8. Was the transaction moved from one account register to another? Click on All Transactions in your account bar and search for the missing transaction. If you find the transactions in an incorrect account, you can move the transactions to the correct account: just select the transaction(s), right-click, and select Move transaction(s). Select the correct account and click OK.

9. Was an older backup restored after you accepted the downloaded transaction(s)? The backup file will restore account information up to the date it was created, which may be before the missing transactions were downloaded.

If this issue occurs frequently

Be sure to follow these steps in order:

1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Downloaded Transactions. The option Automatically add to banking registers needs to be unchecked.

2. Refresh your online account information by clicking the Actions Gear Icon on the upper right of the register, and select Update Now. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update.


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3. Confirm that the Sort Order in your account is by Date; just click the top of the Date column in your account register. It's possible the transactions are in your register, but not where you thought they'd be.


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4. Click the Reset button at the top of the register. This will confirm that there's no filtering in your account register.

5. Go to Actions (Gear Icon) > Register Columns > Check Downloaded Payee in the account register. This allows you to search by Payee to confirm the transactions haven't been renamed unexpectedly.

6. Go to Tools > Account List and check Show Hidden Accounts at the bottom left. Confirm the missing transactions haven't been added to a hidden account by clicking on the name of any account that appears with a check mark in the Hidden column.


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If you need further assistance

If the issue isn't resolved and this is not a one-time event, please reach out to Quicken Support.

Direct Connect accounts: Please note, only the financial institution can create any necessary escalation to their online banking support team to resolve missing transactions. We do not have the access to the bank's servers needed to determine why certain transactions are not being presented.

Article ID: GEN82973

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