Most of the time you'll update your spending accounts by downloading transactions and balances directly from your bank. Sometimes you'll need to enter transactions manually into your account register.
- Open the account you want to use.
- In the account register, go to the new transaction line directly by typing CTRL+N. (The new transaction line is typically at the bottom of the register unless a different sort order has been selected).
- Change the date if necessary.
- If this is a check, enter the check number in the Num field.
- In the Payee field, indicate who receives this payment or gives you this deposit.
- In the Payment field or Deposit field, enter an amount.
- Assign a category to the transaction.
- In the Tag field, tag the transaction. (Optional)
- In the Memo field, enter a note. (Optional)
- Click the Exp field to identify this transaction as a reimbursable expense. (Optional)
- Click Save.
Article ID: HOW22886