How To Export Quicken Reports to Other Program Formats Such as Excel

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You might want to work with your Quicken data in another program such as Excel. You can copy report information from Quicken and paste it into the other program, or you can export the report information from Quicken to another program.


To copy and paste report data to Excel

  1. Open the report you would like to copy.
  2. Select the Export Data drop-down menu at the top of the report and select Copy to Clipboard.
  3. Switch to your word processing or spreadsheet program.
  4. Position the cursor where you want the data pasted.
  5. Use the program's Paste command (usually it's on the Edit menu).

For more information about pasting the report data into another programs, consult the documentation for the other programs.

To export a report to an Excel Workbook

  1. Display the report you want.
  2. Click Export Data. (Quicken displays the Export Data button only for reports, not graphs.)

  1. Choose Export to Excel Workbook.

  1. In the File name field, enter a name for the file.
  2. Switch to Excel.
  3. Use Excel's Open command and navigate to the file containing your report data. Quicken stores the file in the Quicken folder by default.
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