Online Bill Center Message: "Bill added. Waiting for latest update."

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You will receive this message when you successfully add a biller but the biller isn’t showing an amount due on your next bill yet. You will need to wait until your biller has an amount due to update and see the amount due in Quicken.

Online Bill Center Message: "Bill added. Waiting for latest update."

If you feel that the balance should be reflected in Quicken, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your biller’s website and verify an amount due is present.
    1. Open Quicken.
    2. Select the Bills Tab > Online Bills.
    3. Click the gear icon next to the biller’s name.
    4. Select Go to Biller Website.
    5. Verify the amount due is present.

    Online Bill Center Message: "Bill added. Waiting for latest update."

  2. If the amount due is present on the website, try to manually update the biller in the Quicken Bill Center.               
    1. Open Quicken.
    2. Select the Bills Tab > Online Bills.
    3. Click the gear icon next to the biller’s name.
    4. Select Update from Biller.

    Online Bill Center Message: "Bill added. Waiting for latest update."

  3. If the biller is still not updated, Contact Support for assistance.

Note: You may need to wait 2-3 business days from when the bill is present on the biller's site, compared to when it is visible in Quicken.

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