Chase bills no longer available in Bill Manager

Product Version


Quicken Bill Manager offers a way to track online billers and automatically retrieve bill information. By tracking and organizing all of your billers, you can stay on top of multiple billers that are generating bills of varying amounts and differing due dates.

Until now, you’ve been able to track Chase as an online biller for automatic bill retrieval. However, Chase is changing the way personal finance software connects to the financial institution. For a period of time, Chase bills will not be available for automatic bill retrieval.

They can only be tracked through manual bill reminders. 

To convert your Chase eBills to manually tracked bills

  1. In the Bills & Income tab, click the error notification next to Chase. 

  1. Click Manually Track Bills

  1. Enter the bill details and click Continue

  1. Enter the bill reminder details, then click Save

Your manual bill is now set up. You can choose to set up Check Pay to pay this bill, or you can click Skip and close. If you have already set up Check Pay, click Done

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